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Monday, February 21, 2005

thrusting in the ghetto

making sweet, sweet music.


as i start to rock it out, i seem to have awakened the spirits of 20 Easton Street. observe in this one:


do you see the floating miniature stoplight? that's clearly evidence of a ghost-child.

in other news, another hot chick finds some drums in a similarly sketchy-ass basement and is greeted at first by her own glorious meoldies:


only to be startled by a bitch-slap from the ghost-child (straight in the head!), sending her spectacles into a tenuous, teetering fumble:


...more on MIT bar graffiti, stoned Trivial Pursuit (are you sure that's the brown question?), American Idol Mad Libs, underzealous waitresses, and practicing Lent in Boston (and how it affects your Beer Pong parties) soon...


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