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Saturday, July 16, 2005

say no to emo.

i found this on stereogum.

it's really funny. oh, and kinda loud. so, if you're at work or have on some earthingies, then turn your volume down.

stop EMO haircuts


At 7/17/2005 01:30:00 AM, Blogger Dennis Michael said...

Save the Children, what about all the helpless children. I think I'm gonna go on a crusade to help all the little emo kids who cannot afford to get a haircut, to get a haircut. Just think, for the only the cost of a grande skinny latte at Starbucks a day, you too, can help a desparate child in need of a good barber haircut. Not some fancy shmancy place, but a barber who goes by the name of Vinnie or Vito, and only knows the words short and shave. Just think about all the helpless kids in the suburbs who have never seen the sight of a pair of barber scissors. Too frightened because they think their friends won't like them when their hair is all short and neat. Save the children!

At 7/27/2005 02:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the funniest things I've seen recently. Thanks for leading me to it!


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